Welcome to Olokunbola's Blog |
- See Actress Mercy Johnson Reply To Tonto Dikeh's Insult
- Rapper Eva Narrates How Much She Loves Her Ex And How She Got Involved In An Accident Because Of Him A Day Before Now
- What President Jonathan Brought Back From China
- Late Senator Pius Ewherido To Be Buried Next Week.
- Hyundai Motors staff, Chinyere Nwajei, abducted
- BE INFORMED! Meet Grace Tinuke Oyelude The First Ever Miss Nigeria.
- DPO Confesses: We Run Police Stations With Bribes Due To Lack Of Money
- How Big Girls Are Operating High Class Prostitution In Abuja
- BREAKING NEWS: Six killed In Fresh Building Collapse in Ebute Meta, Lagos
- Actress Tonto Dikeh Calls Mercy Johnson Bastard?
- Exposed: True Story of The Madness Going On In Rivers State [PLUS VIDEO]
- Another Baby Without Brain Born In Kaduna
See Actress Mercy Johnson Reply To Tonto Dikeh's Insult Posted: 11 Jul 2013 08:51 AM PDT At this stage one can sure conclude that Tonto Dikeh has really been nursing certain level of hatred for fellow actress, Mercy Johnson, as it appears she now take pleasure in insulting her on Twitter. In her latest rant, Tonto Dikeh took another direct jab at Mercy Johnson saying: "Bitch Lozt her Name, U gonno Uze mii az A come back???Naaahhhhh go Nurze Ur Witch Bitch** #StayBlessed." MJ thinks that Tonto has no "work" hence she told her fans on Twitter that she's "Off to work". Lols! | ||
Posted: 11 Jul 2013 08:48 AM PDT "It was a crazy wake-up feeling yesterday July 9th. I practically didn't want to get out of bed cause I was so sick with the Flu. I had just flown back from Abuja the night before and it seemed perhaps, the only thing I got back from Abuja was the damn flu! I didn't even buy my favorite snacktime crunch, Kilishi - which I am still mad about by the way. My head was hurting like hell, my throat was so sore I could barely swallow a thing. Santiago, my good friend was over at my apartment to pick me up for the day. Seeing my condition he asked that I stayed home and rest the day out. "Hell no!" Trust me to have said that. "I just got back from Abuja," I said to him.."Four days straight, lounging. I have work to do, I have deadlines.." I said in a bid to fight the urge to stay home. Isn't that what I say all the time? 'Noooooo! No rest. I have work to do, work to do..' Oh dear! One hour passed and it began to feel like I got better with a shower. I was even able to sit up and put some makeup on, cover those unsightly blemishes that appeared even more face-wrenching in my sick condition. I got dressed and told Santiago I could drive myself to the studio. He didn't think I should, but I did anyways. You know, I was already halfway across town to Sossick's when I realized this was a wrong decision and I really should have stayed home. But I forged ahead, my pretty little head hammering away with headaches, my temperature rising out of control. Studio session was great! And it lasted a lifetime. We didn't get the perfect work inspiration until 9pm and it was worth it as always. But then that meant I was going to leave the studio late and drive all the way back home at a crazy hour of the night. At this time, my headaches had doubled up on hammer speed and my eyes were shooting fireworks through my contact lenses. I hadn't had a thing to eat all day except the cereal Santiago had forced down my throat in the morning, and a roll of gala that I couldn't fight off the temptation of eating. I love my gala. But I didn't care about the headaches or the hunger at this point. 10:45pm. All that pain was overshadowed by the amazing sound of the new music Sossick had just produced richoretting through the speakers. It wasn't a waste of time afterall! Yaaaayyy! Time to drive home. Here's how you know God is keeping you from trouble, on purpose. I had driven a long-little distance away from the studio when I realized I must have forgotten my ATM card in the studio. 3bank accounts, only one ATM card all in the name of "Eva, thou-shall-not-overspend"- I couldn't imagine the thought of not having any ATM card at all. So I drove back, picked it up and head on again. Could this have been the 8mins that saved me from something more life threatening? Over time, I have gotten myself accustomed to driving at night, at the wrong hours, by myself. Did that automatically make me feel safe, or make it feel right? No. Not in this lifetime. So here I was, cursing under my breath through the seemingly unending traffic at 11:15pm along Okota-Cele roads, my head caving in with each bang of pain, my body shivering through several bursts of heat from my blood. I felt super sick! This was Flu + Fever + whatever else made me feel like shit! I was held up in traffic caused my impatient Lagosians for almost 25mins before I hit the free road. I was like "Whoooop whooop! Can't wait to get home!" And as I cruised along, my thoughts began to shift from my headaches and the fever to memories of my Ex. For a while now, 5 days or maybe 6, I have thought about my Ex. Sometimes in passing, other times more intently. We had had a nasty breakup, lifespan of almost 5months now and I was already over him. Or I tried to make myself believe I was. Truth is, I never really got over him. Never stopped caring, never stopped having flashes. I have had the better part of 5months to evaluate why things got so bad, what I did wrong, how I could have been better - for myself, for him, for us. And trust me, I have done quite enough of beating myself up about it. I was wrong, in a lot of ways. I accepted that feat. I prayed to God about it. I told myself I had moved on. Well, maybe I did. For the most part, I hadn't written him an annonymous letter, or sent a text, or stalked his internet space- Facebook, Twitter.., like I normally would have. So in my mind, Whooop! I was good. But here I was, driving in the dead of night, thinking about my Ex and smiling to myself as I saw his face like clouds in my head, his smile, his perfect white teeth, his curly hair, his eyes... Then ----- Screeeeeeeecccccchhhh!!! BAM! BAM!!!! Flash of light, my voice yelling "Jesus! Oh Jesus!" The car swerving out of my control, my tiny hands holding onto the steering, the handbrake, the gear - all at the same time! BAM!! And there I was, my life in front of me in a second. It happened so fast, I literally thought I was going to die. I felt blood rush to my head as I instinctively raced out of the car and into the street, which was filling up with people gathering to see if I was ok. 11:53pm Fear gripped me. I began to say quick short prayers of thanks to God. Then my emotions crawled through me, shaking me up and breaking me out in tears. The area boys were milling towards me now, trying to offer help of any kind. I heard a woman say "Ha! O ma se oooo". Then the police. These guys always have a way of showing up don't they? Or did God send them? Everything happens for a reason they say. Was this another ploy from God to stop me from meeting something even more serious than this accident? Or was this what had to happen for me to get the courage to place a call through to my Ex? Cause that's exactly what I did! The policemen were kind enough to wait with me in the middle of the the street while I waited for the towing van. 20mins out and I was on my way again, continuing this journey home- only this time, sitting in the passenger seat of a rickety towing van with Santiago's wrecked car hunched to its rear. And while I sat there, I picked up my phone and called my Ex. Amidst tears, tears that formed from not knowing why I was still alive and how so fickle life really was, tears formed from the rush of blood to my face with the shock of the accident, I told him - I Love you. "I was thinking about you when I crashed", I said through sobs and a running nose. "I love you. I'm so sorry I do.." "Are you ok? Where are you right now? Are you safe?" - He was asking. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm in the towing van now tryna get home." "Ikeja?" "Yes," I said. Then just so I made sure he heard me, I said again - "I Love you" Did it really have to take me crashing the car and almost dying to tell the man I loved how I felt. To face my fears of a bad breakup and goodbye-forevers. To acknowledge the fact that even if my head said I was over him, my heart still beat a nanosecond faster than normal for him. *sigh* 1:40am I pulled up to my estate gate in the towing van and there he was, waiting for me! My baby - that's what I would have called him 6months ago. I had to fight the realization that he was currently my Ex. But that didn't matter. He drove the distance to get to me at long minutes after 1am just to make sure I was ok. He was right here! All I did was place a call to him and he came speeding down to be with me. I am not at this point trying to say he loves me still, I am not in anyway saying his coming over is a sign of signs.. All I know is he came! Less than 40mins after I placed a call to him, he was right here. That's faster than the Nigeria Fire Service! Oh dear! He held me, looked into my eyes.. My knees wobbled under me. My headaches seemed to be far off as they gave way for happy thoughts to sieve through my fuzzy shocked brain. He hugged me. He stayed a little while longer to make sure I was fine and settled in. I looked down at his feet and the biggest smile that could part the red sea enveloped my lips. He was wearing slip-ons we had bought together, "His and Hers" I was wearing mine too! In this moment, On this night. What are the odds, that we both would have been wearing our "His and Hers" slip-ons on the same night. I refuse to call that a matter of simple coincidence! Or was I just overwhelmed with emotions that I was connecting the dots with everything? Was I just overjoyed at seeing him again that wearing the same slip-ons we had bought together, which long months ago would have been so regular suddenly felt like snow falling from the skies in Nigeria? *sigh* It reminded me of a lot. Times we shared together, times we laughed, times we were happy... And times we were sad. Then we had to say goodbye..and I broke down in his arms crying..not cause I was sad. But because I held his hand and it was the most perfect thing in the world to be alive. I'm alive now. Yes, Dear Satan, can you beat that!??? God has got me. My life's purpose isn't accomplished yet. God is still at work with me. He loves me. The car I was driving was a little car, it could have tipped over. I could have flown out of the car through the windshield, big Eva hair first. I could have lost a hand, bumped my head, had a concussion. I could have died. But I am here, to face another day, many more years. So while I am here still, able to type this.. I would like to say thank you to you for being here as always. Friends, Family, brothers, sisters, colleagues.. Fans. I love you. I couldn't express that enough. And to my Ex.. Whose face I saw in the last moments of what seemed to be the end of my stay in this Vanity filled world... "I am sorry, again. For everything. If I could take it back, I would. I would take back every moment I made you sad, every time I disrespected you. I would take back every time I pushed you so hard to the wall that you felt like you couldn't control your anger. I would take back everytime I bought you a gift to apologise for my wrongs or cover up my neglect.. I'd replace those material things with an unending beautiful love filled with praise and adoration. We were so good to each other, yet so bad. We lost such a beautiful love and I was too impatient with you. You were here for me, gave me your time, your love, your attention- placed me high above other women.. I was selfish, sometimes. I let the hurt and the fear of losing you take control of my emotions till I eventually lost you. I made you so mad sometimes, Damn I made you mad! OuucCH. I didn't have to look death in the face to realise this. I have learned a lot in the past 5-6months of being away from you. I am a better person.. I am better with myself, my works, my art, my music..everything's changed. We may be apart now, but it doesn't change what we had. If I could do it all over again, I would- only this time better. Today I have learned not to think and worry about what you did that hurt me, but to acknowledge what I did that coulda made you do what you did.. And how I can be better from there. You looked so handsome last night. And your smile! Oh your smile could shatter a thousand shield glasses held together. I miss looking at your face. I miss you. If time and chance never bring us together again, I want you to remember "I Loved you once, I Loved you twice, I loved you more than Beans and Rice". God bless you always! *PS: as you share this on Twitter/Facebook/Friends/Links/Emails.. Abeg abeg, I take God beg you..nor do make he reach my mama and papa hand. I couldn't bare to tell my folks I had an accident. They'd lock me in their house for the rest of their life! LOL. Thanks for reading. Love, E. | ||
What President Jonathan Brought Back From China Posted: 11 Jul 2013 08:33 AM PDT President Goodluck Jonathan and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday presided over the signing of accords between Nigeria and China to facilitate $1.1 billion in low-interest loans for infrastructure and other critical needs in Nigeria. China, which is increasingly looking to Africa for oil and other natural resources, is offering Nigeria: Loans to help fund airport terminals in four cities, roads, a light-rail line for its capital, a hydropower plant and oil and gas infrastructure. Jinping said both countries had been brought together by a common task of national development. He said: "As a proverb of Nigeria reads, 'A man cannot sit down alone to plan for prosperity.'" Jonathan, on a four-day trip to China, has in his entourage about a dozen of his cabinet ministers including those for petroleum resources, trade and transport, as well as governors, senior government officials and businesspeople. Following a meeting between the two Presidents, representatives from both countries signed five deals, including a lending agreement between China's Import-Export Bank and the Nigerian Finance Ministry for the expansion of the airport terminals and an economic and technical cooperation pact. Finance Minister, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, said the loans being finalised during this trip were part of $3 billion approved by China at interest rates of less than three per cent. Chinese companies are already building roads across Nigeria in contracts worth $1.7 billion. China's demand for crude oil produced in Nigeria is expected to rise tenfold to 200,000 barrels a day by 2015, according to the Federal Government delegation. Zhang Chun, an expert on Africa at the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Studies, said Nigeria was important to China because it had the largest economy in West Africa and because it had oil. He said: "There is great potential for developing cooperation in this field." China has become the world's third-largest country doing mergers and acquisitions in Africa, favouring the oil and gas sector, according to a report by international law firm, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer released on Monday. Meanwhile, Minister of State 1, for Foreign Affairs, Prof. Viola Onwuliri, said in Abuja yesterday that the President's visit to China was discussed at the Federal Executive Council, FEC, meeting. She expressed the importance of the trip to the country's economic development in terms of attracting Direct Foreign Investment. Responding to the issue that the President was not received on arrival in Beijing by his Chinese counterpart, Minister of State 1, for Foreign Affairs, Prof. Viola Onwuliri, said there was nothing wrong for Jonathan to be received on arrival in Beijing by China's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Li Yucheng. She explained that in international relations, there are certain arrangements put in place for specific purposes, claiming that China didn't look down on Nigeria, considering its position in Africa. Please....if you know Nigeria's position in Africa, apart from size, kindly tell us. | ||
Late Senator Pius Ewherido To Be Buried Next Week. Posted: 11 Jul 2013 07:28 AM PDT
Senator Pius Ewherido who died on 30th June 2013, will be buried next week. Until his death he was the Senator representing Delta Central Senatorial District in the seventh senate. Burial Arrangement Wednesday July 17, 2013 10am - Valedictory session at the Senate Chambers of the National Assembly Abuja. Thursday July 18, 2013 10am - Valedictory session at Urhobo Cultural Center Uvwiamughe Agbarho Delta State. 4pm Vigil Mass at the Mother of the Redeemer Catholic Church Effurun, Delta State. Friday July 19, 2013 11am - Funeral mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral Warri, followed by interment at his hometown Ewu-Urhobo Delta State. July 21, 2013 9am - Thanksgiving mass at St Peters catholic Church, Ewu- Urhobo. He is survived by Mrs. Doye Ewherido (wife), six children, mother, brothers, in-laws, nephews, nieces, cousins and other relations. May his soul rest in peace! | ||
Hyundai Motors staff, Chinyere Nwajei, abducted Posted: 11 Jul 2013 07:24 AM PDT ![]() Chinyere Nwajei, a staff of Hyundai Motors Nig Ltd, Ajose Adeogun, Victoria Island branch was abducted on Tuesday night by unknown persons as she was returning back from work around the Festac Bridge, Festac Extension. She and her car, a 2012 Hyundai Accent are yet to be found. She is a married mother of two kids. According to her colleagues, when one of them tried to reach her on her mobile number, an unknown person answered and said she had been taken to the shrine. The kidnappers later made contact demanding for 150,000 dollars. | ||
BE INFORMED! Meet Grace Tinuke Oyelude The First Ever Miss Nigeria. Posted: 11 Jul 2013 07:20 AM PDT Miss Nigeria started as a photo contest in 1957. Contestants posted photographs of themselves to the Daily Times headquarters in Lagos where finalists were shortlisted; those successful were invited to compete in the live final which at the time did not include a swimsuit competition at the Lagos Island Club. UAC employee Grace Oyelude won the maiden edition of Miss Nigeria, and would later use part of her £200 prize money to travel to England where she studied Nursing. Contrary to popular belief, Julie Coker was not the first Miss Nigeria – she was Miss Western Nigeria but used the 'Miss Nigeria' title during official engagements abroad. Grace Tinuke Oyelude was crowned the first Miss Nigeria in 1957 in a contest that involved over 200 young girls from all parts of Nigeria. Born in Sabon Gari, Kano on November 16, 1931, to the Christian family of the late James Adeleye Oyelude and late Marthan Datanu of Isanlu in Kogi State, young and charming Tinuke had her elementary and secondary education between 1940 and 1952 in Kano. After her secondary education, she had a stint with United African Company(UAC) of Kano in 1957 at the age of 26. She hit the world headlines when she was crowned the first Miss Nigeria few months after she gained admission into the school of nursing, Ashford Kent, England. She completed her training and became a State Registered Nurse (SRN) in 1961. Not yet satisfied with her achievements, she enrolled immediately at the school of midwifery, St. Thomas Hospital, London from where she qualified as a state registered Midwife SCM (NRM) in 1962. Her thirst for laurels took her to the Royal College of Nursing, England in 1971 and obtained a Diploma in nursing and Hospital Administration (DNHA) and 1976, she obtained another diploma from Ghana Institute of Management and Personnel Administration. While in the United Kingdom, Oyelude practiced in a number of hospitals between 1962 and 1963, among which is Paddington General Hospital; Kaduna between 1964 and 1965, then senior nursing sister – in – charge of the former Kaduna Nursing Home( now Barau Dike specialist Hospital, Kaduna) from 1965 to 1977. At the outbreak of Civil war in 1967, national duty took her to Markurdi General Hospital where she headed a medical team from the then Northern region, which prepared hospitals for receiving war casualties and treating them. By 1970, she joined the institute of Health, Ahmadu Bello University as a senior matron and became director, nursing services of the ABU teaching hospital, the position she held until she voluntarily retired in 1985. In recognition of her professional qualification, competence and public spiritedness, she was made external examiner of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria. Between 1980 and 1983, she was the chairman, Kwara State Health Management Board. She was honoured in the year 2001 in the Gambia by the West African College of nursing as the ' WACH's Florence nightingale of the 20th century.' She is Iyaolu of Isalu land and also the Iyalode of Okun land. | ||
DPO Confesses: We Run Police Stations With Bribes Due To Lack Of Money Posted: 11 Jul 2013 06:30 AM PDT Meager allocations from the Federal Government that has refused to decentralize the Police is putting Nigeria police stations at the mercy of charity from communities and dirty money from criminals. "Unknown to us, this hotelier was engaging in commercial sexual exploitation of juveniles in the hotel. We were shocked to learn about this and initially it was very hard for us to take a decision due to the support he had been rendering to the police station," said a DPO.Temitayo Famutimi reports that for whoever wants to know why inefficiency is the lot of the Nigeria Police, the starting point may be to closely watch the state of things at police stations across the country. Apart from the poor physical state of many of them, they are largely run on charity. By the way, how much should a police station, which ought to be always battle-ready in all ramifications, since security problems can arise any time, have in its coffer at every point in time? Well, investigations by our correspondent shows that some of the police stations in Nigeria get as low as N35,000 as allocation from the force headquarters per quarter. This is the reason why in all the states of the federation, many police stations rely on philanthropic gestures from members of their host communities and proceeds of bribery to function effectively. And that is why inscriptions such as 'Donated by Welders Association', 'Community Development Association' are constant features on many items and facilities found in many police stations in the country. From rehabilitation of buildings, to fuelling of patrol vans and generators that serve the stations, many Divisional Police Officers appear to have been turned into beggars of some sort. Besides, Nigerians who have at one time or the other had a reason to report an incident at a police station are no longer new to the demands from the policeman on duty, asking them to part with sums between N500 and N1, 000 before their statement can be taken. Even after taking such statements and there is a need to make an arrest of those reported, the policeman on duty asks the complainant to drop another N2, 000 to fuel the police patrol vehicle. A cross section of DPOs who spoke to our correspondent on the condition of anonymity say the development poses a dilemma and, indeed, a threat to the operations of the security agents. Besides, despite the Inspector-General of Police's order outlawing police check-points on highways, policemen are still occasionally sighted at some strategic highways across the country, mounting roadblocks and extorting money from the motoring public. The reasons why this development has continued to be a regular feature of policing in the country, according to men and senior officers of the police, is as a result of the paltry sum of money being allocated to run police stations. They declare that many of them run the affairs of police stations from the proceeds of bribes collected by men who go on regular patrols as well as philanthropic gestures of members of the public. But a new twist to this development is that criminals are joining other law abiding citizens to contribute to the running of police stations in the country. A DPO serving in the Ogun State Police Command explains that depending on members of the public for effective policing is not only risky but also against the principles of policing. Describing the majority of such philanthropic gestures as a Greek gift, the senior police officer says experience has shown that many of these donors usually have skeletons in their cupboards. Buttressing his argument with what transpired in his area of jurisdiction, he explains that an hotelier who had taken up the responsibility of paying for the monthly subscription of the DSTV in the police station was, initially unknown to him, doing so as a cover for his child abuse activities in his hotel. He says, "My men didn't have the gut to take actions because they were unsure if they had the moral right to arrest a staunch supporter of the station. My men had to await my arrival at the station before a decision to raid the hotel had to be taken. "Expectedly, the subscription for the DSTV stopped and, ever since, I foot the bill from my purse whenever I have enough money to spare." Investigations by Punch reveal that police stations receive quarterly allocations from state commands, after the latter would have got reimbursements from the Force Headquarters, Abuja. A senior police source at the Ogun State Police Command headquarters in Abeokuta also confided in our correspondent that the quarterly allocation the command receives from the Force Headquarters fluctuates between N450, 000 and N650, 000. This amount, it was gathered, is meant for catering for the needs of the 46 police stations and the five area commands in the state for three months. The amount, it was learnt, is not distributed equally among the police stations as criteria such as the size of the police station and the crime wave in the station's area of jurisdiction were being used to determine how much each station receives. A Divisional Police Officer in the Command, who claims to be receiving one of the highest quarterly allocations, says his division receives between N35, 000 and N40, 000 every three months. This amount, according to him, is meant to cover fuelling of patrol vehicles, generators, stationeries, communication, and other expenses incurred by the police station during the three-month period. The DPO, who also pleads anonymity because he is not in a position to speak to the press, explains that the allocation for a typical quarter is not even enough to fuel the patrol vehicles in the station for three days, let alone covering the whole expenses for three months. He says, "It is very difficult to run a police station as a DPO without your men engaging in corrupt practices. How do you run a police station without funds? To describe the allocations we get quarterly as inadequate is to say the least. "I get less than N40,000 to cater for my running costs quarterly, and, as a matter of fact, to run a truly motorised patrol, for instance, you will need about 40 litres of petrol in 24 hours for a patrol van and this amounts to N3, 840 daily. In this division, we have four patrol vehicles and this makes it N15,360 daily. "If we decide to spend the allocation only on petrol, the money wouldn't last more than three days. So, where do we get the money to make up for the huge shortfalls? Am I in the position to tell policemen who incessantly complain of poor salaries to donate money to run the affairs of the station?" In Lagos, the Lagos State Security Trust Fund, a public-private partnership established by law in 2007, has been useful in this regard. The LSSTF intervention ranges from acquisition of police equipment, purchasing of patrol vehicles and their maintenance. However, a senior police officer in the state, explains that patrol vehicles whose maintenance bill is footed by the LSSTF are those attached to the Rapid Response Squad, noting that other vehicles in police divisions are left in care of DPOs to maintain from the quarterly allocation. The police officer explains that the quarterly allocation given to police stations in the state is between N45, 000 and N80, 000, depending on the size of the police station and the crime wave in the area the station is situated. He adds, "Police funding is a problematic issue and there is no way the police will perform magic with the way we are being funded. For my division, I get an allocation of N45, 000 quarterly. Just tell me what that money can cover out of the needs of the station for a total of 90 days?. "Apart from fuelling of patrol vehicles and generators to power the police station, we incur expenses on stationeries. This is especially because the police are not ICT-compliant. As a result, we often beg for assistance from members of the public.'' According to investigations, DPOs are usually in the habit of holding save-our-souls meeting with the members of the community in their jurisdiction to solicit for help to run the affairs of the station. In such meetings, it was gathered, community development associations, owners of small businesses, among others, usually take up one or two responsibilities of catering for the needs of such police stations. One of the DPOs in Lagos State Police Command told our correspondent that when he assumed office, in one of such meetings, he begged the stakeholders in the community who raised money to buy blocks, pay for the labour costs as well as foot the bill for fixing a gate around the station's fence. He says, "For you to succeed as a DPO there is no way you won't live your life as if you are a beggar because money won't be forthcoming from the top to make ends meet. And who are you to ask questions? When you are invited to a meeting with your boss, maybe at the Area Commander or Commissioner of Police, and issues bordering on finance come up, the best you can do is to say 'yes sir, I'll manage, sir. "When I resumed at my duty post I specifically made the areas of needs of the station known to the various stakeholders in the community. At the end of the day, some private citizens and managers of firms were the ones who erected the fence of the station." He adds that after much persuasion, two managers of the petrol stations in the area had been providing the station with 50 litres of petrol per week. The Officer in Charge of Patrol and Guard goes around taking delivery of the fuel every Monday. "And when the fuel finishes, the boys know how to go about getting the patrol vehicle refuelled because the work has to be done," he adds. A source in Akwa Ibom State Police Command explains that the situation is not different from other state commands. He however notes that the local government chairmen provide some monthly allowances to support police stations in their domains. Also, a police source adds that the case of many states in the northern part of the country is usually worsened by the presence of many police posts under police divisions. Another source at the Police Force Headquarters says the Police Public Relations Officers in the various state commands are worse off as their offices are not entitled to any allocations from the Force Headquarters. The source adds that the PPROs in the various commands live at the mercy of the commissioners of police in their respective states. The source notes, "The IG is just trying to work around something and find a way of including that office in the scheme of things to function appropriately. What about officers who get transferred to new police commands? The allowance they are entitled to in lieu of accommodation at that new desk for 30 days is not often even paid. "Nigerian police officers and men are suffering in silence and yet we are expected to perform some magic. There are no two ways to it: The Federal Government and the National Assembly should commit more funds to the police for effective policing of the country." When contacted, the acting Force Public Relations Officer, Mr. Frank Mba, a Chief Superintendent of Police, confirmed the plight of the DPOs across the country. According to him, the challenges are not peculiar to one particular state stressing that the state of police stations across the country are pathetic. He adds that the Force Headquarters is constrained and cannot fund the various police divisions, area commands and state commands appropriately because, "we cannot give what we don't have." | ||
How Big Girls Are Operating High Class Prostitution In Abuja Posted: 11 Jul 2013 06:17 AM PDT Even after the ban by the fct Minister, Bala Mohammed, who gave prostitutes an ultimatum to leave Nigeria's capital or face the wrath of the law, investigation has shown that there are more patronage as it has taken a new guise in the zone 4 area and the Utako-Jabi axis. Below is the revealing report by Anthony Ada Abraham: Young and beautiful, some skinny while others are fleshy, walking in skimpy clothing waving at cars to come access their product. Eyes bright like the morning dew, but red for cash. They are known as sharp girls while others call them 'mamas.' They are everywhere in the country especially the FCT. They are no ghosts they are known as 'Ashawo' or prostitutes. The so called ban on prostitution has little or no effect as the market has continued to boom with patronage from all angles. The minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Senator Bala Mohammed who decried the steady rise in the population of prostitutes in Abuja, once noted that they constitute a nuisance as their services add no value to the beauty of the city ordering the FCT Special Task Force to arrest and prosecute them. Also, men who patronise the girls were warned to desist from the act as anyone caught would be treated like the prostitutes. but all those warnings seem to be discarded as they continue to buy the commodity with reckless abandoned. Utako-Eden Garden When you hear the name 'Eden', it is ironical to the Biblical meaning which is supposed to house the most precious atmosphere. Though the Eden in question is one of the most beautiful gardens in Abuja where you could get anything you want for relaxation. It is a place where you enjoy life band, suya, shawama, fish, drinks(alcohol and soft). Also games like table tennis, snooker and so on are available for leisure. Upcoming artistes are given the opportunity to showcase their talents on stage and patrons aid them with cash when a performance is worthwhile. The garden which is situated in a splendid location receives patronage from all over. Prostitutes around Eden garden: Last Sunday night, when our reporter was at 3js hotel at a popular comedy show known as Comedy Assembly, he was strolling around the area, trying to experience first-hand activities. Though there are about five hotels located in that axis, the girls love to stay behind the garden with their sexy skimpy skirts. "Catch am catch am!" One of the girls shouted, though at first, it looked like the task force were on hand to sweep them but a bus parked there was an ice cream company bus. When our reporter moved closer to eavesdrop, the following conversation ensued. "Ngozi no let am go, na so these aboki boys go dey touch us for breast, and bottom. Hold am." One of the boys was seen running while an average height lady wearing a tight gown with stripes was holding a long stick in front of the other guy, an Hausa boy who was over powered by the girls numbering about 15, asking him " abi na touch you wan touch, you go tire,' about four cars were parked negotiating with some other girls who were busy shaking their (backside) showing their patrons that their product is still intact. Though attention easily faded away from the boy as what they came out to do is yielding fruit. When asked the situation and why he should have the guts to touch their "privacy," the confused looking young man who spoke in Hausa, swore they were passing by when they mobbed them, but the "Ngozi" who understands Hausa shouted him down, while our reporter stood watching the drama. After all the confusion, the young man who later said he was Abu, left while they lined up again waiting for customers. At this time, about eight cars came around and picked the girls. These cars were flashy and not the normal little ones. Prostitutes around Zone 4: The situation at Zone 4 has taken another shape as the girls now disguise themselves like 'Hajiya', putting on hijab or wearing native clothes waiting for someone to call on them. But it seems their patrons now identify them easily because when they stroll around, you see them as if they are waiting for a cab but all is a diversionary method to confuse any security group from arresting them. At Jabi Masalachi: They are like 'kobo-kobo,'not the usual ones who live in big houses, drive luxury cars, they are the type you go for 'sharp sharp' and whenever you want, you just stroll there and pay for their time. They are very young, older ladies but are not the big type. Reactions: A patron who resides in Lugbe but spoke on anonymity argued that since the ban given to the girls, they have increased their charges to between N4,000 and N6,000 per night stating that they now increased their price to between N10,000 to N15,000. While another said "at least it will reduce the patronage because not everyone can afford such amount. The believe is that the agency responsible for bringing this so called business to a halt should channel properly, resources set aside to help offenders for a proper rehabilitation. | ||
BREAKING NEWS: Six killed In Fresh Building Collapse in Ebute Meta, Lagos Posted: 11 Jul 2013 06:12 AM PDT The death toll in a collapsed building, early Thursday, in Lagos has risen to six. Emergency rescue officials have revealed that seven people, including two children aged 2 and 4, have been rescued from the rubble. The 3-storey building at Oloto Street, Ebute Meta, collapsed at about 2.35 a.m. trapping about 10 people. Rescue efforts are still ongoing. We will bring you more details as we get them.... | ||
Actress Tonto Dikeh Calls Mercy Johnson Bastard? Posted: 11 Jul 2013 06:03 AM PDT ![]() ![]() So, Tonto has been yabbing Mercy Johnson for marrying a man that can't take care of her but push her to go and hustle for money just after two months of giving birth. The matter is getting messy... Tonto mentioned the actresses that she love but Mercy Johnson was not among, so some one asked her on twitter why Mercy Johnson was not among her favourites and Tonto said: Fcuk you all. Now today! Below are Tonto's subsequent negative Tweets directed at Mercy Johnson: According to her tweets, Tonto Dike said those mentioning Mercy John on her timeline are "a bigger baztard than she [Mercy Johnson] is". | ||
Exposed: True Story of The Madness Going On In Rivers State [PLUS VIDEO] Posted: 11 Jul 2013 06:00 AM PDT It took us about two days but Olokunbolablessing.blogspot.Com has finally got to the real gist of the show of shame playing out in the political arena in Port Harcourt, capital of Rivers State. First fact is that, the man who wanted to impose himself on the Assembly as Speaker with just four members in his support, Hon. Evans Bapakaye Bipi, is doing so to please President Goodluck Jonathan and First Lady Patience Jonathan, who he described as "my mother". [See The Latest VIDEO HERE] The crisis degenerated after Hon Bipi and his "thugs" [believed to be cultists by their chants] beat up some Pro-Governor Rotimi Amaechi members and started bragging about it in public... One of those that was attacked by Hon Bipi and his thugs was Hon. Chidi Lloyd, the Majority Leader of the State House of Assembly. Olokunbolablessing.blogspot.Com gathered that Hon Lloyd was angry that one of the men who attacked him along with Hon Bipi's thugs was his "brother", a fellow Ikwerre lawmaker. So when Hon Lloyd returned to the House of Assembly and discovered that Hon Bipi had brought in a fake mace to facilitate his swearing-in as a factional speaker he grabbed the fake mace and chase Hon Bipi and the other four lawmakers. He caught up with his fellow Ikwerre lawmaker who had joined others to beat him up and he mercilessly use the fake mace on his "brother" as captured on tape. As at Thursday July 11, 2013, sources on ground told Olokunbolablessing.blogspot.Com that panic is still reigning supreme in the state. Policemen launched teargas canisters into Government House, even affecting Governor Amaechi. Also, soldiers attached to Amaechi have been withdraw by "powers from above", and the governor has cried out for his safety, saying his life may be in danger. Click HERE For The LATEST VIDEO >> | ||
Another Baby Without Brain Born In Kaduna Posted: 11 Jul 2013 05:28 AM PDT ![]() A woman believed to be in her 30's yesterday gave birth to what appears to be a baby without a brain at the General hospital Kagarko, Kagarko local government area of Kaduna State. LEADERSHIP gathered that the woman delivered her baby early yesterday morning in the hands of nurses and midwives at the hospital. Recall that only on Monday, a woman had given birth to a monkey-like baby at the same hospital. A health worker at the hospital told our correspondent that the baby which later died after delivery was born abnormal. "The events of the past two days are making everybody scared in the area. We cannot understand why things like these are happening in our local government," he said. "What is happening requires medical explanation. We need to know whether it is human error or a miracle." When contacted on phone, the medical director of the hospital, Dr. Habila Kambai, told LEADERSHIP that the baby was born with a "very small head." |
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