Saturday, 31 August 2013

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The shocking moment a Kangaroo tried to drown a dog who tried to play with it

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 08:04 AM PDT

Kangaroos may look cute, but they didn't getting their heavyweight boxer reputation for nothing.
One bounding beast lived up to that name in a recent fight with an unassuming dog that was caught on tape.
In the video, uploaded on YouTube by Anthony Gill, the black great Dane, Max, swims into a pool of water in the Australian outback, perhaps not realizing his soon-to-be rival was taking a dip.

Boxing kangaroo: Kangaroos may look cute, but they didn't getting their heavyweight boxer reputation for nothing

Video: In the video, uploaded on YouTube by Anthony Gill, the black great Dane, Max, swims into a pool of water in the Australian outback, perhaps not realizing its soon-to-be rival was taking a dip

The kangaroo immediately gets on the defensive, shuffling from foot to foot in the water like a true boxer, following the pet.
Max just makes it to the other side and, now on dry land, gains confidence.
Barking frantically at the kangaroo, the pet takes a step closer.
Defensive: The kangaroo immediately gets on the defensive, shuffling from foot to foot in the water like a true boxer, following the pet

Drowning: The wild creature gets a good hold on the great Dane and attempts to drown it by pushing it underwater and holding it there

But just as he does, the huge kangaroo takes a dangerous swipe at the dog's snout with both paws.
Max falls in the water and swims back to shore.
But after a quick shake off, he foolishly comes back for more.
After a quick shake off, Max foolishly comes back for more

Frightened: Another dog, a pal of the great Dane, is seen in the footage barking frantically as the underwater fight ensues

This time the wild creature gets a good hold on the great Dane and attempts to drown him by pushing him underwater and holding him there.
Another dog, one of Max's pals, is seen in the footage barking frantically as the underwater fight ensues.
Finally, the pet battles his way up for air and breaks free with the help of his owner Anthony Gill. And, this time he doesn't come back for another round.

Bus driver is investigated by bosses after being 'caught on camera urinating inside his own vehicle'

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 08:00 AM PDT

A bus driver is being investigated by his bosses after he was apparently caught on film urinating on his vehicle.
The film, which was shot by a passerby, appears to show the driver zipping up his flies after relieving himself out of a gap between the central doors of his empty bus.
Johnson Rotimi, 24, captured the moment through the window of the Arriva bus parked in Crouch End, London.

A bus driver is being investigated after he was apparently caught on film urinating on his bus 
The film appears to show the driver zipping up his flies after relieving himself out of a gap between the central doors of his empty bus 
Caught on camera: The bus driver appears to have been caught urinating on his bus (left) before turning around and zipping up his flies (right)
Mr Rotimi said: 'I just happened to walk by and I saw him doing his thing.
'He actually hadn't left the bus at the time.

'You know the second doors? He was actually peeing in the corner with his back facing towards me, through the little gap between the doors and the bus.
'When I saw him I was kind of shocked to be honest, then I quickly got my phone and started filming it.
The footage was captured by a passerby through the window of the Arriva bus which was parked in Crouch End, London 
The film appears to show the driver zipping up his flies after relieving himself out of a gap between the central doors of his empty bus
Zipping up: The footage was captured by a passerby through the window of the Arriva bus which was parked in Crouch End, London
'He was quite angry when he realised. He did give me a bit of a middle finger.'
The moustached driver is understood to have been taking a break to check his bus - the W3 from Finsley Park to Northumberland Park - when he stopped to urinate in Elmfield Avenue.
Trainee forklift driver Johnson, of Hornsley, London, added: 'I just want people to be aware of what is going on on the bus.
The passerby said the bus driver was 'quite angry' when he realised he was being filmed
Bosses at Arriva said they were looking into the incident which happened around two weeks ago
'Angry': The passerby said the bus driver was 'quite angry' when he realised he was being filmed
'I'm not very pleased about it. It is not nice as lots of elderly people and children they have to use the bus, and you know kids, they touch everything, and they could touch that bit when they climb on and off the bus easily.'
Bosses at Arriva said they were looking into the incident which happened around two weeks ago.
An Arriva spokesman said: 'This is not the sort of behaviour we expect from our drivers. A copy of the video will be passed to the management team in order to identify the driver and take the necessary action.'

Time for a takeaway? The macabre moment a snake snatched a monkey from a tree and swallowed it WHOLE

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 07:57 AM PDT

Scientists have captured the remarkable moment a boa constrictor attacked a fully-grown howler monkey to claim it as a substantial snack.
The incident, which took place deep in the Amazon rainforest in Western Brazil, is rare, as monkeys are usually adept at protecting themselves from predators. But the video shows the huge snake crushing the hapless monkey before swallowing it whole.
The video has caused scientists to rethink how vulnerable primates can be to skilled predators like the boa constrictor, that usually stick to smaller meals like rodents and birds, LiveScience reported.

Here the female howler monkeys clings to a branch in a futile attempt to pull herself from the crushing jaws of the snake
Scientists have captured the harrowing moment a boa constrictor attacked a fully-grown howler monkey to claim it as a substantial snack. Here the female howler monkeys clings to a branch in a futile attempt to pull herself from the crushing jaws of the snake

Júlio César Bicca-Marques, a researcher at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, said the female Purús red howler monkey did not see the snake lying in wait in the tree.

In the study, published in the journal Primates, Dr Bicca-Marques suggests snakes prey on more New World monkeys than was previously thought.
Commenting on the study, Paul Garber, a primatologist at the University of Illinois said it is known that snakes, raptors and big cats do attack monkeys but filming macabre spectacle is very rare.
The monkeys, which have good vision, usually defend themselves by living in groups and collectively keeping an eye out for threats.

But the unfortunate monkey in the film broke away from her group of five in the Amazon jungle before meeting the snake.
The boa constrictor reportedly struck at the monkey and swiftly wrapped it in a death-grip by coiling its muscular body around the monkey, which tried to free itself by gripping a tree, but was crushed.
Here, the dead monkey is being swallowed head-first by the snake
The snake lay in wait crouched in a tree while the female monkey broke away from her group. The boa constrictor struck the monkey before crushing it with its powerful muscles. Here, the dead monkey is being swallowed head-first by the snake

The snake's attack was typical, according to experts. It crouched in once place, camouflaged in the foliage to wait for its next meal.
Boa constrictors are so patient they have been known to wait in one spot for around one month.
The female monkey was followed by a companion who was unable to save her friend from the powerful snake, despite hitting it several times.
Defeated, the healthy monkey retreated, leaving the boa constrictor to swallow her crushed friend head-first over a period of just over one hour.
The video shows the snake using its muscles to swallow the bulky monkey, which is thought to weigh around six kilogrammes - and then a rather huge bulge in its belly.
Dr Garber believes the monkey might have avoided being eaten if it had of stayed with its group
Primatologist Dr Garber believes the monkey might have avoided being eaten if it had of stayed with its group, adding: 'being a solitary monkey is definitely not a good thing'. The monkey-shaped bulge is clearly visible in the snake's stomach

Dr Bicca-Marques told LiveScience: 'According to observations on predation attempts on howler monkeys made by other researchers, howlers often don't do anything to defend the victim.'
Dr Garber believes the monkey might have avoided being eaten if it had of stayed with its group, adding: 'being a solitary monkey is definitely not a good thing'.
The researcher claims it is the first time that a terrifying attack of this type has been caught on camera, although recent studies have found more rare types of primate predation, including a leopard eating a chimpanzee.

'I thought I'd found the love of my life': Mother, 38, believes she was infected with HIV after now dead ex-boyfriend failed to tell her he had the virus.

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 07:53 AM PDT

A woman has spoken of her devastation after discovering she caught HIV from an ex-boyfriend.
Sarah Watson, 38, thought she had found the love of her life when she met Ghanaian-born Henry Assumang in 2007.
But less than two years later their relationship broke down. It would be a further year-and-a-half before she would be given the life-shattering news he was HIV-positive.
Sarah Watson
Sarah Watson, 38, thought she had found the love of her life when she met Henry Assumang in 2007. But less than two years later their relationship broke down and she was given the life-shattering news he had HIV

Describing him as a 'gentleman', Ms Watson said that when she initially met Mr Assumang, she hoped he would help look after her family.
'He always made me feel special - he was very complimentary to me and my children,' she said on ITV's This Morning.

'He took an interest in my children and he fitted in well with my family. He was always there to give love and support.'
But the romance was short-lived and a year into the relationship the couple started having, as Ms Watson described it, 'trust-issues'.
The mother-of-two said: 'He started to go out a lot and would turn him phone off.'
Six months later, the couple split, but they stayed on good terms and he still took an active interest in her children.
Mr Assumang
Mr Assumang (pictured) denied he knew he had carried HIV up until he death, earlier this month. He was charged with GBH for passing on the virus but his case didn't go to trial in time

Dr Carole Cooper
Dr Carole Cooper (left), who also appeared on the programme, said: 'If you think you might be at risk then you must get a test - fortunately it's a lot easier to get tested. 'And if you don't want your GP knowing, you can go to a sexual health clinic where a test won't show up on your medical record'

It wasn't until 2010, when police turned up at Ms Watson's door, that she discovered she had contracted the virus.


If a person is exposed to the virus, anti-HIV medication may stop a person becoming infected so long as it is take within 72 hours.
For it to be effective, the medication, called post-exposure prophylaxis or PEP, must be started within 72 hours of coming into contact with the virus.
The quicker PEP is started the better - the longer the wait, the less chance of it being effective.
PEP has been misleadingly popularised as a 'morning-after pill' for HIV.
PEP is a month-long treatment, which has serious side effects and is not guaranteed to work.
The treatment involves taking the same drugs prescribed to people who have tested positive for HIV.
A person can gain access to PEP from hospitals, A&E departments, sexual health clinics, or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics.
GPs usually do not provide PEP.
'Police turned up at my house and asked me what my sexual history was.
'I didn't answer at first and asked why they needed to know.
'They said they had a man waiting to be deported and needed to clarify his relationship history.'
It quickly became apparent that the man in question was Mr Assumang.
Before foreign nationals are deported they are tested for the virus and his test had come back positive.
The former shop worker was told she needed an urgent test and her results were fast-tracked.
The following day it was confirmed she too was HIV-positive.
'It completely turned my world upside,' said Ms Watson. 'I was in shock and couldnt believe it.
'When the viral load test came back it also told me I had just six to nine months to live.'
If a person has contracted HIV it is essential treatment be started immediately, or as soon as possible.
If it is caught within 72 hours of transmission, a person can even fight off the virus.
Ms Watson had however lived with the virus for three years without knowing and needed urgent treatment.
Luckily swift intervention after her shock diagnosis has managed to keep her alive.
Despite the 'news' that Ms Assumang was carrying the virus, Ms Watson believes that he knew for many years that he was HIV-positive.
'He was receiving treatment for the condition in 2006, a year before we met,' she said. 'He was fully aware [he had HIV].'
Mr Assumang denied this up until he death, earlier this month. He was charged with GBH for passing on the virus but his case didn't go to trial in time.
Ms Watson is concerned other women may unknowingly have the virus as he went on to have other relationships - and perhaps even one-night stands - after the couple split.
It is essential to get early treatment for HIV. A person can visit a sexual health clinic without their GP knowing. Despite the ease with which people can be tested, only a quarter of those infected with HIV (virus pictured) know they have the disease

Dr Carole Cooper, who also appeared on the programme said: 'This story shows that you really can't tell who has HIV without a test.
'If you think you might be at risk then you must get a test - fortunately it's a lot easier to get tested now.
'And if you don't want your GP knowing you can go to a sexual health clinic where a test won't show up on your medical records.
'It's essential to get early treatment - you can go to sexual health clinic without you GP knowing.'
'Despite this, a quarter of those infected with HIV know they have the disease.'
Dr Cooper added that it's important to realise that HIV isn't a death sentence in the way it was in previous years.
Within the past five years, she said, the 'outlook has revolutionised' as there are many new drugs on offer.
'It is so important to have an early dignosis and it can be hard to put up with the drugs as there are some hefty side-effects,' she explained. 'But they are a patient's passport to a healthy life.'
Ms Watson remains worried about her future and said: 'I will find it hard to trust anyone ever again. I live in a very hard situation right now.'

Migraines can cause permanent brain damage, study finds.

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 07:48 AM PDT

Migraines can cause permanent brain damage, according to new research
Migraines can cause permanent brain damage, according to new research
Migraines can cause permanent brain damage, new research had claimed.
Experts have discovered that migraines, which affect 10 to 15 per cent of the population, raise the risk of brain lesions, white matter abnormalities and altered brain volume compared to people without the disorder.
The association was even stronger in those with migraine with aura - or when there is a warning sign before the migraine begins.

Study author Dr Messoud Ashina, of the University of Copenhagen, said: 'Traditionally, migraine has been considered a benign disorder without long-term consequences for the brain.
'Our review and meta-analysis study suggests that the disorder may permanently alter brain structure in multiple ways.'
Dr Ashina reviewed 19 studies to see whether people who experienced migraine had an increased risk of brain lesions, silent abnormalities or brain volume changes on MRI brain scans compared to those without the condition.
The results showed that migraine with aura increased the risk of white matter brain lesions by 68 per cent and migraine with no aura increased the risk by 34 per cent, compared to those without migraine. 
The risk for brain abnormalities increased by 44 per cent for those with migraine with aura compared to those without aura.
Brain volume changes were also more common in people with migraine and migraine with aura than those with no migraines.
Dr Ashina hopes the study will provide some insight into what lasting effects regular migraines have on the brain.
He said: 'Migraine affects about 10 to 15 percent of the general population and can cause a substantial personal, occupational and social burden.
'We hope that through more study, we can clarify the association of brain structure changes to attack frequency and length of the disease. 
'We also want to find out how these lesions may influence brain function.'
Meanwhile another study, also featured in the journal Neurology, backed up previous research which shows that migraines are more common among people who earn less money.
For example, for women age 25 to 34, 20 per cent of those from high-income households had migraine, compared to 29 per cent of those with middle income and 37 per cent of those with low income.
Experts have discovered that migraines, which affect 10 to 15 per cent of the population, raise the risk of brain lesions, white matter abnormalities and altered brain volume compared to people without the disorder
Experts have discovered that migraines, which affect 10 to 15 per cent of the population, raise the risk of brain lesions, white matter abnormalities and altered brain volume compared to people without the disorder

For men in that age range, five per cent in high-income households had migraine, compared to eight per cent in middle income and 13 per cent in low income.
But the new results went against the theory that stress increases the rate of migraine in low-income people. 
Researchers found that whilst stress amongst those on a low income can bring migraines on in the first place, it has no effect on how long a person suffers from migraines.
Study author Dr Walter Stewart, with Sutter Health - a not-for-profit health system in Northern California, said: "'New evidence from this study shows that a higher percentage of people have migraine in low income groups because more people get migraine, not because people in lower income groups have migraine for a longer period of time.
'Because the remission rate does not differ by income, it means that the duration of time that people have migraine is not different by income level.
'These results strongly support the theory that stressors associated with lower income play an important role in the relationship between migraine and income. 
'Identifying these factors may be a crucial step toward developing prevention strategies.'

Women who drink a glass of wine a day during their teens could increase risk of breast Cancer

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 07:36 AM PDT

Bad habit: Drinking one glass a day from your early teens can increase risk of cancer
Bad habit: Drinking one glass a day from your early teens can increase risk of cancer

Women who drink just one glass of wine a day in their teens and early twenties could be increasing their risk of breast cancer by a third.
Scientists have found that consuming fairly small amounts of alcohol early on in life has harmful effects on breast tissue.
Those who drank the equivalent of one glass of wine a day between the age of their first period and when they gave birth to their first child increased their risk by a third.
US researchers believe that the breast tissue of young women, which is still developing, is highly susceptible to the harmful effects of alcohol.

Although experts have known for some time that alcohol raises the risk of breast cancer, this is one of the first studies to show how it can have an effect so early in life.
Researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis examined the drinking habits of 116,671 women aged 25 to 44.
They were asked to recall how much alcohol they drank a day from the ages of 15 to 17, 18 to 22, and 23 to 30.
They were also told to note down the age when they first started their periods and when – or if – they gave birth to their first child as pregnancy is known to protect against breast cancer. It was also recorded whether they had ever been diagnosed with the condition.
From their answers, the researchers were able to work out roughly how much alcohol the women had drunk per day over the various stages of their lives.
The results showed that women who drank a glass of wine a day between their first period and the age at which they had their first child increased their risk of breast cancer by 34 per cent.
When alcohol is broken down by the body it creates a substance called acetaldehyde, which can trigger genetic mutations in cells that lead to tumours.
High risk: While still developing, breast tissue of young women is highly susceptible to the harmful effects of alcohol
High risk: While still developing, breast tissue of young women is highly susceptible to the harmful effects of alcohol

It also increases production of oestrogen, the hormone linked to tumour growth.
The researchers, whose study is published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, said: 'These findings add support to the importance of exposure [to alcohol] between menarche [the first period] and first pregnancy in breast cancer development.
'Reducing alcohol consumption during this period may be an effective prevention strategy for breast cancer.'
Richard Francis, head of research at Breakthrough Breast Cancer, said the link was likely to be caused by breast tissue being particularly susceptible to developing cancer between these key ages.
'We recommend that women of all ages reduce their alcohol intake in order to help prevent breast cancer,' he said.
Drinking daily between the age of their first period and when they gave birth to their first child has been found to increase breast cancer risk by a third
Drinking daily between the age of their first period and when they gave birth to their first child has been found to increase breast cancer risk by a third

'Regularly drinking is also associated with a range of other health problems, so we'd urge anyone wanting advice or support on cutting down on alcohol to speak with their doctor.'
Just under 50,000 British women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year and there are around 11,500 deaths annually.
But there is growing evidence that women can drastically lower their risk by adopting healthier lifestyles.
Smoking, obesity, a lack of exercise – as well as alcohol – are all thought to trigger the illness.
Earlier this year scientists warned that excess drinking was behind soaring rates of breast cancer in the under 50s.

Colored Hair Battle: Toke Makinwa vs Eva Alordiah

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 07:11 AM PDT

                                                                 Which is your favorite?

Colored Hair Battle: Toke Makinwa vs Eva Alordiah

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 07:06 AM PDT

                                                                 Which is your favorite?

Woman Claims Evil Snake Lives in Her Tummy (PHOTO)

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 06:34 AM PDT

Maria Tsotetsi (49), from extension 28 in Vosloorus, east of Johannesburg, SA, says she has an evil snake inside her stomach.

She said she has been told by several prophets and traditional healers that the reptile lives inside her.
Maria, who looks pregnant, said she was in hospital in 2011, where the doctors told her she had a growth."They told me I had lost blood and they wanted to operate on me but nothing happened after that. The nurses put me on drips but a few days later, they released me."

She said that her ex-boyfriend took her to a bishop after she complained about a pain in her stomach. The bishop told her to strip off her clothes and gave her muthi (herbs) to steam. "The muthi was covered in a white and brown snake skin. The bishop said it would cure me," she said. But a few days later, she realised there was something in her body and her teeth started falling out.

"I believe the muthi made me lose my teeth. My boyfriend then dumped me after 14 years and I've been single ever since," she said. "I want him to come and remove the snake he put in my stomach. I believe he's responsible for this." She said she sometimes has her period for two weeks and it's so heavy she has to use nappies.

Traditional healer Ntsimbi Ngema said: "This kind of thing is done by jealous lovers. There's no way Maria could have a new boyfriend because he could die after having sex with her."

A doctor who didn't want to be named said Maria could be suffering from all sorts of things, including kidney stones or gall stones.

Culled from Daily Sun

Going Forward. Ese Walter writes again

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 06:30 AM PDT

I'm sure by now you all know who Ese Walter is. (Refresh your memory here and here). She took to her blog yesterday to write about the aftereffect of her last post, where she accused pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of Common Wealth Of Zion Assembly of sexual manipulation. Read below...
"The past week has 'killed' me. It has stripped me of whatever 'self-importance' I nursed in the corners of my mind. It has broken me and opened me up to my real self. It has brought me to a deeper level of self-awareness, one I am most grateful for.
When I sat with my MacBook to type my last blog, I never imagined it would generate the kind of attention it did and continues to. I have one last thing to say on this issue before I lay it to rest and move on. (I also hope others can move on too, we have too much going on in this Country to continue to peddle one for longer than necessary.)
A very big thank you to everyone that has felt it necessary to talk about this issue and spread it throughout Nigeria and the foreign scene. I read every email sent to me with awe that people would take the time out to reach a total stranger like me. Some were cursing, calling me a witch from the pit of hell sent to destroy the church as though one individual/church is bigger than the body of Christ. As though God is mere man and would cringe in heaven saying, "Ese don did it this time." Or as if the good Book didn't state clearly that ALL things work out for good for those that love God.

Do you love God? If yes, trust that it will ALL turn around for good.

Some people say, 'I support you, you are brave and courageous' and I wonder if those terms really define me. I do not think I am brave or courageous. I do know, however that after decades of sleepwalking through life, I am now becoming aware not just of myself but also of my environment, my world, and the universe.

Some say, put out the evidence and we will believe you. Hmmm, the morning I sat to write that post, I really didn't expect anyone to believe me. Well, apart from those involved. And my motive was simple, let one more woman be spared. Let one more minister of the gospel be mindful and let the church rise up to its responsibilities as God's legal representatives here in the earth realm.

A copy of the 'evidence' is with a respected minister of the gospel should the christian body decide to deal with this issue now and that becomes needful. I am not looking to have a 'me against them' case where I need to prove I'm right and someone is wrong. I am far from right, but I have used the only means available to me to free myself of the bondage I put myself in.

Lastly, to all the media people seeking interviews and whatever else mailing me, I have nothing more to say on this issue. I cannot reply every email as reading them is beginning to seem like a new job.
I remember asking a friend once while reading the book of Acts, "Why do we no longer operate in the power the disciples did in Jesus day?" What has changed? How do we 'unchange' it?

God is not mocked, if we serve Him, let's serve Him. We cannot continue to grow as a Nation by oppressing, delaying justice, hating, having the ME ME ME mentality. As Martin Luther King Jr said, 'no one is free until we are all free.'

Things have got to change and it begins with us. It begins with each and every one of us borrowing courage to stand for what we believe in. Fela Durotoye once said, 'that thing that annoys you most in society is a sign that you carry its solution.' (I'm

Nothing has called out to me more than people, especially women, suffering in some way and hiding the pain. Whatever we cover doesn't go away. It grows and it finds different outlets to rear its ugly head until we deal with it.

I am not perfect, I will never be, but I am enough to try what I feel might work. I don't know what the entire bible says but I am learning and applying the little I find out
daily. And I think everyone owes it to himself or herself to figure it out for

At the end of the day, we agree that 'men of God' are firstly men, right? This means it's needless expecting them to help you in your growth with God. I fell into that trap of thinking a 'man of God' is equated to God and it is not new to find people fall in that hole.

How do you begin to learn to serve a God you have never seen? It takes another level of faith to do that but we live in a generation/Country where people don't want to study for themselves. They don't want to read the Scriptures. Well, they don't want to read, period. They want to pursue things instead and have somebody do the praying and studying for them. If you fall in that category, you need to repent.

I learnt that when the veil was torn, we all were given equal access to the Father. No matter how long you may have been in church, if you don't know what that means you better ask somebody. And seek a real relationship with the God you claim to serve.

That is what I am spending most of my time doing these days. Praying, studying, seeking, knocking. The peace I have felt despite all the hate mails and tantrums shows that God is not angry with me and I did what I needed to do to the best of my understanding.

My apologies to everyone this has affected in one way or another.
Firstly, my family: I don't know how you guys aren't sick of me yet ;)
Secondly, 'the body of Christ,' my intention was never to cause trouble but to stop a rot I felt might spread and become worse if nobody spoke up about it.

Lastly, to those who said I shouldn't blog again, I respect and understand your concerns but the truth is, writing is not just my gift, it is also my 'curse'. I cannot 'NOT' write but I PROMISE, this is the last I will say on this issue except the christian body needs to see me.

God is building His church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. No sin is too big to wreck anyone's faith. If it does, then it means it's working out a greater good for you. You will definitely come out stronger and better in the end. Like my best friend says "in the end, it will be all right and if it ain't alright, it's notthe end."

"…forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Paul.
Cheers to the weekend people.

21 year old woman dedicates her life to sleeping with 100,000 men

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 06:27 AM PDT

21 year old Polish woman, Ania Lisewka, (pictured above) has vowed to travel to every city across the world in a bizarre quest to sleep with 100,000 men.

According to reports, Ania, who has a serious boyfriend, has already embarked on her mission and has slept with 284 men so far, starting with cities in her home country, Poland.

Anna told the Austrian Times: 'I want men from Poland, Europe and all around the world. I love sex, fun and men. In Poland the subject of sex is still taboo and anyone who wants to fulfill their sexual fantasies is considered a deviant, a w**** or mentally ill.'

Ania is so determined to complete her task that she's set up a Facebook page and a website to keep people (interested in her exploits) up to date with her sex marathon.

Beverly Osu says she didn't have sex with Angelo in the BBA House

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 06:22 AM PDT

We all saw what we saw but Beverly Osu says we saw wrong, that she never had sex with Angelo in the Big Brother Africa house. She tells  Punch
"Angelo and I never had sex.I didn't have sex in the house. I never had sex in the house.
But we saw the two of you in the bath tub, making love
We didn't have sex. It was not an option for us. I don't know where the people outside got the story from. I was shocked when I came out of the house and learnt that we had sex. I cannot take my bath with a swimming suit. We all take our bath naked. I shouldn't be singled out because I went for a reality show. I am not different
What of all the other intimate things you did with Angelo? Didn't you mind that the whole world was watching?
Whatever I was doing with Angelo, I didn't even think I was on TV. It was just the two of us. We didn't plan anything, we were just happy. No matter how people will look at it, I don't regret anything I did with Angelo. I didn't bring out the video and said everybody should look at me. Big Brother brought out the video.

How come it was Angelo you fell in love with in the house?
I had so many options to choose from in the house but I wasn't attracted to any of them. But for some reasons I still do not understand, I fell in love with Angelo. I got attracted to him from the first day I saw him. For now, I will see where the relationship will take us.

So, you don't mind the difference in nationalities?
There is no race when it comes to love. I can always go there and he can come here.

Don't you think you embarrassed Nigeria in the house?
I was in the house to represent Nigeria. Of all the people that went for the audition, I was chosen. If anybody feels he can do better, he should go and get BBA form next year and apply and get in the house. I know I represented Nigeria very well.
You said so many things in the house. Were they all true or were you looking for sympathy?
I am a shy person. I shy away from a lot of things. But I was 'open' in the house. I say what is on my mind. For me to reveal myself to the world, I was just talking to my housemates. I don't regret anything I said about myself or my family. People have to know the real me.

You mentioned something about a boyfriend that abused you. Were you referring to 2shots?
No. I wasn't referring to him. For me, 2shots is history. Thank you for reminding me about him.

Is your mother happy with you?
Even if the whole world rejects me, my mother cannot reject me. I love her so much. I am her only daughter and last born. She has always been there for me. I wouldn't want to disappoint my mum intentionally.
Were there things you did in the house you regret?
Nothing. I don't have any regrets. I was in a beautiful house. I loved Melvin. He was the best in the house. Meeting everybody in the house was a blessing. I don't regret anything.
What would you have done with the prize money if you had won?
I would have finished school. I would have started my make-up line. Trust me; I would have done a lot of things. Everybody has a degree. I must get a degree. With my degree, I can go further and do anything I want to do.

Teenager murdered in father’s home

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 06:06 AM PDT

A Nigerian teenager, Oluwaseyi Adelegan, 14, has been murdered by unidentified assailants at his father's house in Akure.
The deceased is the son of Chief Solomon Adelegan, the National President, Amalgamated Union of Public Corporation, Civil Service Technical and Recreational Services.
The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) in Ondo State, Mr Wole Ogodo, confirmed the incident to NAN.
"It is obvious the young boy was killed while trying to move out of his bedroom to the sitting room before he eventually gave up,'' Ogodo said.

Ogodo, who said that no arrest had been made, said that the case had been transferred to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).
According to him, the information surrounding the death of the young boy is still sketchy, but I assure you that police will get to the root of the crime.
NAN gathered that a group of suspected assassins invaded the home of the Adelegans located at Aduralere Quarters in Ijoka Area of Akure and macheted the boy to death.
According to a source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, Oluwaseyi was found in a pool of his blood in his parents' house.
The source said that deceased was hale and hearty when his siblings left for holiday coaching in the morning and he was the only person left in the house.
"The siblings were surprised to find the dead body of their brother in the sitting room when they returned from school.
"The children raised alarm when they saw their brother, but the young boy was stone dead before their arrival,'' the source added.
Scores of sympathisers thronged the residence of Adelegan to condole with him on the death of his son.
The bereaved parents were still in shock over the mystery surrounding the death of their son.

WTF! 40-Years-Old Widow Set To Marry Her 23-Years-Old Son In Zimbabwe.

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 05:52 AM PDT

A 40-year-old mother is set to marry her own son. The woman and her son claim to be in love with each other. And now they want to take their relationship to the next level and get married considering that the mother, Betty Mbereko (from Mwenezi in Masvingo) is now six months pregnant and expecting her son's child and her grand child.
Mbereko, 40, has been a widow for the past 12 years and has been living with her 23-years-old son Farai Mbereko. She confirms that she is six month pregnant and that she has decided it is better to "marry" her son because she does not want to marry her late husband's young brothers, whom she says are coveting her. Betty stunned a village court last week when she said the affair with her son had begun three years earlier.
She said after spending a lot of money sending Farai to school following the death of her husband, she felt she had a right to his money and no other woman was entitled to it.
"Look, I strove alone to send my son to school and no one helped me. Now you see that my son is working and you accuse me of doing something wrong. 
"Let me enjoy the products of my sweat," she told the village court council.
Farai said he was more than prepared to marry his mother and would pay off the ilobola balance his father had left unpaid to his grandparents.
"I know my father died before he finished paying the bride price and I am prepared to pay it off," he said. "It is better to publicise what is happening because people should know that I am the one who made my mother pregnant. Otherwise they will accuse her of promiscuity."
 But local headman Nathan Muputirwa says:
"We cannot allow this to happen in our village, mashura chaiwo aya, (This is a bad omen indeed). In the past they would have to be killed but today we cannot do it because we are afraid of the police."
He warned them to immediately break off their marriage or leave his village. They chose the latter and have since left the village for an undisclosed destination.

Student, 19, mauled by 400lb tiger in Thailand at popular tourist attraction.

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 05:49 AM PDT

Enjoying the trip of a lifetime to Thailand, university student Isabelle Brennan strokes a young tiger at a popular tourist attraction – one of the few places in the world where you can pet the deadly animals while they sleep.
But just minutes after this photo was taken, another 400lb tiger leapt into the frame, knocking the 19-year-old to the ground with its paw and sinking its teeth into her thigh.
She was saved when keepers at the Tiger Temple sanctuary in West Thailand jumped between her and the animal, while her sister and travelling companion Georgie, 21, dragged her to safety.
Calm before the storm: Isabelle Brennan, pictured stroking a tiger - she would later be attacked by one of the big cats
Calm before the storm: Isabelle Brennan, pictured stroking a tiger - she would later be attacked by one of the big cats

In hospital: Following the attack, Ms Brennan was told she would have scarring for life
In hospital: Following the attack, Ms Brennan was told she would have scarring for life

Eight weeks on, Miss Brennan is recovering at home in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, but cannot walk unaided, while doctors said the four-inch wound will leave her scarred for life.
The University College London student wants to warn others of the dangers of approaching the orphaned tigers, which are hand-reared by Buddhist monks at the controversial sanctuary.

Reliving the nightmare she said last night: 'I feel lucky to be alive. Everything happened so fast. One minute I was petting a tiger's back, the next it turned its head and knocked me to the ground with its paw.
'As it lunged with its teeth I felt an agonising pain on the inside of my left thigh above my knee. What happened next is a blur.  But a keeper jumped in between myself and the tiger. Then, while the keepers pulled the tiger to stop it attacking me further, my older sister Georgie dragged me under my arms to safety.'
Wound: Ms Brennan was bitten by a 400lb tiger
Wound: Ms Brennan was bitten by a 400lb tiger
The stunned teenager added: 'When I looked down at my leg it was terrifying. All I could see was blood.'
Two friends in their group immediately tied a tourniquet round Miss Brennan's leg to stop it bleeding.
Meanwhile, the Human Sciences student who is studying for a degree at University College London was rushed to Thailand's Kanchanaburi Memorial Hospital where she needed 'tens of stitches' to repair the four-inch wound.
She then had to remain in hospital for a fortnight after contracting an infection and high fever.
Her sister, 21, was forced to make the call to parents Margaret and Nick Brennan, 56, an architect.

Mother Margaret Brennan, 52 a former nurse who now runs her own business, said: 'When Georgie rang the first thing she said was 'firstly Isabelle's ok' but I was very upset. I couldn't believe it when she said Isabelle had been bitten by a tiger.'
But finally after a gruelling two weeks in hospital – when she was pumped with strong antiobotics - she was well enough to fly back to the UK.
However, Miss Brennan was to spend a month in a wheelchair and on crutches. She is now learning how to walk again.
Eight weeks since the attack, she is still limping and doctors have told her she will have a permanent scar.
Miss Brennan and her sister from Harrogate were in the first week of their trip of a lifetime in Thailand, which they had spent six months saving for, when they visited Tiger Temple.
'I was nervous about going into the Temple,' says Miss Brennan, 'however, I was reassured by the staff that as the tigers had been hand reared, they were so used to humans they were completely tame.
Reminder of horror: The wound after being stitched
Reminder of horror: The wound after being stitched

Struggling: Isabelle Brennan still cannot walk without help
Struggling: Isabelle Brennan still cannot walk without help

'They were also tethered by chains and the staff told me no-one had ever been seriously injured.'
After petting some tigers in an enclosure, Miss Brennan – who followed all the Temple rules such as not wearing bright clothes to excite the tigers - decided to go into a special area where she could wash the tigers.

'We were given a talk beforehand and told not to touch the tiger's head and to remove dangly jewellery. We were then shown how to wash a tiger's back.'
It was while Miss Brennan was washing one tiger's back, it turned round and mauled her.
She says: 'In hindsight I had an incredibly lucky escape. I could have lost my leg or worse. The Tiger Temple staff were very upset. They paid for all my treatment in hospital and visited every day. They explained the tiger was just being playful. However, I want to warn others going to Tiger Temple that the animals might not be as docile as they first appear.'

'I don't want to go to jail!': Joe Giudice reveals legal woes on Real Housewives Of New Jersey - long before he and wife Teresa are charged with fraud.

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 05:44 AM PDT

It seems Joe Giudice was worried about his legal troubles long before news that he and wife Teresa had been indicted on 39 counts of fraud went public.

In a preview clip of the upcoming episode of their reality show, The Real Housewives Of New Jersey, the couple are seen discussing Joe's biggest fear: going to jail.

Vacationing in Arizona with the rest of the cast, the group participates in an unusual exercise with a horse and his handler, who tells them the animal 'responds to one thing: authenticity'.
'It¿s not like I¿m a f*****g criminal': Joe Giudice opens up to wife Teresa about his fears of going to prison in the upcoming episode of The Real Housewives Of New Jersey
'It's not like I'm a f*****g criminal': Joe Giudice opens up to wife Teresa about his fears of going to prison in the upcoming episode of The Real Housewives Of New Jersey

Showing the strain: Teresa Giudice praises her husband for his candid admission, though she's clearly unnerved by the couple's pending legal dramas
Showing the strain: Teresa Giudice praises her husband for his candid admission, though she's clearly unnerved by the couple's pending legal dramas
'What have you been scared of?' the handler asks the father-of-four.

His candid response shock the rest of the group.

'I think everybody has a little fear of something, you know what I mean? I just got lawyers involved and stuff like that,' he says.

Clearly also aware of the 43-year-old's legal woes, his brother-in-law and co-star, Joe Gorga, tells the cameras that Joe's public revelation was a 'big step'.
The calm before the storm: In Arizona vacationing with the rest of the show's cast, the couple enjoyed a romantic jacuzzi before talk turned to their fears
The calm before the storm: In Arizona vacationing with the rest of the show's cast, the couple enjoyed a romantic jacuzzi before talk turned to their fears
'I am totally shocked that Joe would bring up those legal issues. This is a big step for Joe Giudice,' he says.

Continuing the conversation privately in their hotel room spa later that night, Teresa praises her husband for his honesty.

'I have to say that was really big of you to say that in front of everyone, like, what your fear was,' she says.

'Yeah it's, you know, it's always there,' Joe admits to his wife of 15 years. 'You get up thinking about it... When you let that out, you're kind of like a little relieved.'
Facing reality: The mom-of-four worries for the family's future, telling the cameras, 'I can¿t imagine my life without him'
Facing reality: The mom-of-four worries for the family's future, telling the cameras, 'I can't imagine my life without him'

A problem shared... 'When you let that out, you¿re kind of like a little relieved,' Joe says of opening up about his biggest fear in life
A problem shared... 'When you let that out, you're kind of like a little relieved,' Joe says of opening up about his biggest fear in life
While Joe adamantly denies any involvement in criminal activity, he remains frightened of the prospect of going to jail.

'It's not like I'm a f*****g criminal - like where I've been in f*****g prison a million f*****g times,' he states. 'Never killed nobody, never f*****g did anything... you know, to hurt anybody. So I don't belong there and I don't want to go there.'

His 41-year-old wife then reveals to the cameras that she harbours her own fears of the pending legal action that has her normally stoic husband so rattled.

'If he's scared of something, it makes me scared of something,' Teresa says. 'I can't imagine my life without him.
'He doesn't deserve any of this': The pretty brunette couldn't hide her concern, admitting, 'If he¿s scared of something, it makes me scared of something'
'He doesn't deserve any of this': The pretty brunette couldn't hide her concern, admitting, 'If he's scared of something, it makes me scared of something'
Ooh la la! Teresa puts a smile on her troubled husband's face when she emerges in a sparkly silver sequin bikini, before joining him in the spa
Ooh la la! Teresa puts a smile on her troubled husband's face when she emerges in a sparkly silver sequin bikini, before joining him in the spa
'It takes a man to talk about issues that they normally don't talk about. My husband is a truthful guy and he doesn't deserve any of this.'

Both Joe and Teresa were indicted on July 29 and officially charged on July 30 with 39 counts of fraud.

The couple made a brief appearance at the Martin Luther King Jr courthouse in Newark, New Jersey and were released on a combined $1 million bail.

If found guilty of all charges, they each face as many as 50 years in prison.
Enjoy it while you can! If found guilty of all 39 charges against them, the couple - who are currently out on a combined $1 million bond - face as many as 50 years each in jail
Enjoy it while you can! If found guilty of all 39 charges against them, the couple - who are currently out on a combined $1 million bond - face as many as 50 years each in jail

Cheryl Cole Covers Her Entire A$$ With Tattoo. Sexy Or Trashy? (Photo)

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 05:41 AM PDT

UK singer and former Girls' Aloud member, Cheryl Cole, last weekend, shocked her fans and the media alike when she shared this photo of her new tattoo that extends over her entire bottom. Not just a little bit but her whole lower backside. I just don't want to imagine how it will look like when she starts aging and her skin starts shrinking.

See Photos Of I-Go-Die's Sitting Room

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 05:39 AM PDT

Being a celebrity with taste is good oh....check out the royalty sitting room where one Nigerian top comedian chills. I Go Die is living big!!! More pix after the cut:

See Photos Of I-Go-Die's Sitting Room

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 05:38 AM PDT

Being a celebrity with taste is good oh....check out the royalty sitting room where one Nigerian top comedian chills. I Go Die is living big!!! More pix after the cut:

17 Years Old Female Bodybuilding Champion Gets Bullied Online For Being Too In Shape(Photos)

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 05:29 AM PDT

Stunning 17-year-old Georgina McConnell, a teen bodybuilder from Britain who started lifting weights at age 14, is being bullied for being too in shape.
With her bulging muscles and intense fitness regime, Georgina has won a gold medal in the UK Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation North East Championships.
Mcconnell is being bullied for being a "freak.", but she is answering the bullying only with self-confidence.
Her recent Facebook post proclaims, 
"'m happy with who I am, I know what I'm doing and I'm doing it for me."
See more pix after the cut:

Man Addicted To Stealing Cuts Off His Own Hands In Line With Sharia Law

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 05:26 AM PDT

A habitual thief who was left so ashamed by his uncontrollable urge to steal, took the drastic step of cutting off his own hands. Ali Afifi is believed to have been motivated by Sharia law when he amputated both hands in separate incidents.
The Egyptian lost his first hand by holding it under the wheels of a train five years ago.
His shocked father had him institutionalised, but the 28-year-old repeated the action with the other hand upon his release.
Afifi, who posed for these pictures this week, is said to have asked a Muslim scholar to sever his hands because he could not stop stealing "after losing the war against the devil.
Afifi said:
But the Sheikh refused my request, saying he is not a ruler or in a decision-making position to take such a decision… he advised me to repent and seek God's help... I then decided to cut my hands off."
Describing his addiction as a "disease", Afifi began stealing lunches from friends as a child, before moving onto items in shops, mobile phones and gold jewellry.

Obasanjo Assures Tambuwal: I Am Behind You

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 05:15 AM PDT

Contrary to the expectations of President Goodluck Jonathan and his aides who have been accusing Speaker of the House of Reps, Aminu Tambuwa, of associating with their "enemies", Chief Olusegun Obasanjo on Friday took a different stand. He said he is happy and very proud of the way Speaker Tambuwal has been leading the House of Representatives.

In what some say is an open endorsement for Tambuwal's future ambition, Obasanjo said:
"I like you, in fact I love you, please go ahead with what you are doing at the National Assembly. I am behind you. I am a principled person and I like the way you run the affairs of the House of Representatives." 
Obasanjo stated this in Sokoto on Friday at a ceremony to lay the foundation of phase 2 of the Usman Faruq Secretariat.

During his visit to Sokoto, Obasanjo paid a courtesy visit to Sultan of Sokoto Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar, who he commended for his "tireless efforts" at promoting unity in the country.

The Sultan, in turn, begged Obasanjo not to quit politics yet, saying Nigerians still need him around.

Mandela Returns Home From Hospital?

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 05:14 AM PDT

After spending several weeks at the intensive care unit of a South African hospital, Nelson Mandela the Papa Africa, has finally returned home to his big family. What a relief!

Last week, his condition was described by the federal government as "critical but stable". He finally came out of the stress and doctor's say he is now better than before, hence he was discharged.

According to BBC, he will however continue receiving treatment from home for a recurring lung infection which date back to the time he spent in prison for anti-apartheid struggle, a period of nearly three decades.
If true, it's good he made it out of hospital!

Photo: What Kind Of Female Corpers Are These?

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 05:12 AM PDT

I thought a lady was recently dismissed from NYSC camp for refusing to wear trouser? So, is this allowed?

Could it be that the officials in the South refused to respect that lady's "moral/religious right" but interestingly the camp officials in the North respected these ladies "moral/religious right"? #JustAsking

But why are there always different rules in Nigeria?

Photo Of The Day: Girl Advertising Things

Posted: 31 Aug 2013 04:28 AM PDT

The babe came out of her home for the launch of Ghanaian musician Reggie Rockstone's personalized condom brand, as a guest, but it appears her intent is to advertise her body to the public.

Sincerely, indecent dressing is becoming a major issue among ladies.
It's getting worse already and if we stop talking and condemning it there will be consequences. Ladies, please note that the only thing that you get from indecent dressing is lust from the man around you.